Monday, November 16, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Who doesn't like a list? They're easy, quick, and fun like the girls on Sex Rehab w/ Dr. Drew. This one is a doozy, too. It's a list of guilty pleasures - you know, things that we enjoy doing but would never admit to (like rollerblading). We'll add to it from time to time and feel free to add your own in the comments section. Without further adu, and in no particular order:

153) Beyonce music videos - Kanye's not the only one who thinks her videos are the "best of all-time." Some of these videos are borderline softcore porn. Sweet dreams indeed.
212) Fireworks - Sure, these stopped being cool somewhere between the ages of 10-12, but light up a sparkler and I'll start clapping like those toy monkeys with the cymbals.
47) Love, Actually - Hugh Grant. English accents. Christmas theme. Keira Knightley. I'm in.
119) Juice Boxes - When's the last time you had a Capri Sun? Exactly. Instead we have to choke down violent swill like Ginseng infused mocha passion fruit and pretend we really like it.
65) Dancing - Is there any greater combination in the world then a wedding, open bar, and a DJ? I consider myself a mix between James Brown and Mark Madsen on the dance floor.
22) Tanning - I'm not talking about the ubergay tanning bed kind of tanning. I'm talking about getting on the beach and converting your pasty white skin to a beautiful shade of gold.
129) T-Pain - Oh, just because Jay-Z put out a song called 'Death of Autotune', we're all supposed to start hating T-Pain. Well, in my humble opinion, Jay-Z sucks for putting out that awful song 'Empire State of Mind' which appeals to about 0.01 % of his fan base. And for the record, this T-Pain song was written as a joke - just try not liking it.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say, Capri Sun isn't a "box" it's a bag. You f*ckin juice bag.
